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Prakash Books - Farewell Mahatma : Stories

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Product details

Title: Farewell Mahatma: Stories
Author: Devibharathi
Publisher: Prakash Books
Genre: Literary Fiction / Short Stories

Farewell Mahatma is a collection of ten short stories by the acclaimed writer Devibharathi, exploring themes of freedom, desire, and the complexities of human relationships. Through his imaginative narratives, the author blends history, mythology, and contemporary life to create stories that are both unsettling and illuminating. The collection is a profound reflection on the human condition, interspersed with moments of dark humor and existential dilemmas.

Key Themes

  • Freedom and Constraint: Whether it is Gandhi's yearning for a redemptive death or Nallathangaal’s cursed existence, the stories delve into the struggle between freedom and the limitations imposed by society, history, or personal circumstances.
  • Time and Reversibility: Time plays a crucial role in many stories, with some like Sasi’s tale where the clock ticks backward, symbolizing the desire to undo or rewrite the past.
  • Male-Female Dynamics: Several stories examine the volatile and intricate dynamics between men and women, addressing themes of love, betrayal, and desire.
  • Myth and Reality: The blending of mythological elements with everyday life adds a surreal quality to the stories, making the reader question the boundaries of reality.

Writing Style
Devibharathi’s writing is marked by its intensity and depth, using a mix of narrative forms—from historical fiction to magical realism. His prose is precise, yet laden with layers of meaning, inviting readers to peel back the surface and explore deeper existential questions. The stories are often emotionally charged, and the shifts between reality and fantasy are seamless, lending the collection a dreamlike, almost haunting, quality.

Farewell Mahatma is an exceptional collection of short stories that showcase Devibharathi’s masterful storytelling and unique perspective on life’s contradictions. The tales traverse emotional, psychological, and temporal landscapes, making them both compelling and thought-provoking. Readers who enjoy literary fiction that challenges conventional narratives and offers profound insights into human nature will find this collection deeply satisfying.

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